MTC三日兒童華語營 MTC 3-day Mandarin camp for children
【課程資訊 Program information】
➤ 課程日期:2025年1月22日~1月24日
Course Date: January 22~January 24, 2025
➤ 課程內容:每天三小時語言課及兩次文化活動,課程期間提供午餐及點心
Program Include: 9 hours of language classes and 2 times of cultural activities. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
➤ 課程費用:免學費,需繳交保證金新臺幣500元,將於全程參與課程後退還
Tuition : Free course. However, each person is required to pay a deposit of NT$500, which will be refunded after full participation in the course.
【報名資訊 Registraion information】
➤ 招收學生:6-12歲中文為第二語言學習者
Recruiting students: 6-12 years old Chinese as a second language learners
➤ 語言程度:中文零起點、初級學習者為主,亦歡迎高程度學生參加
Language level: Beginners, students with advanced levels are also welcome to participate
➤ 報名連結:https://forms.gle/agKBwQjVTGCFsP1A6
Registration link: https://forms.gle/agKBwQjVTGCFsP1A6
➤ 招收名額:15人
Student limit: 15 people
➤ 報名期限:至額滿為止
Registration period: until the quota is filled
Hosted by National Taiwan Normal University, Mandarin Training Center. Class schedules and activities are subject to change by the MTC.